Optimize your dairy and beef cattle fattening farm with our comprehensive solution for dairy cattle, small ruminants, beef, and bull fattening. Achieve your goals and succeed with ease. Try it now!
- High Professional Team of Livestock consultants
First results of improved digestion in 2 weeks for cattle
Permanent evaluation and monitoring of all health parameters based on blood tests, manure washing, and other specific exams
100% sustainable
Healthy animals
Not a dietary energy supplement
Higher rumination activity
Significant decrease of somatic cell count
Healthy ration
Individual approach for problem solving in your farm
Individual plan calculation
Milk Boost / ADG Up to
Proven Health
Improvement Up to
Savings on Feed
Expenses Up to
Improved Digestion
Dairy Consultation
Methane Decrease
Insufficient milk production → Increase of milk up to +25%
- Low calving performance → Up to +30% improvement of calving performance
- Lameness → Up to -50% decrease of lameness
- Low insemination rate → Up to +15% increase of insemination (PR)
- Milk fever → Up to -70% decrease of milk fever
- Embryonic deaths → Up to -50% decrease of embryonic deaths
- Mastitis → Up to -50% decrease of mastitis
- Few number of lactation cycles → +1 lactation cycle
- High feeding costs → Decrease of feed costs up to -25%
Low production performance of beef cattle →Average Daily Gain for beef cattle up to +25%

Higher Milk Production

Cheaper Ration

Farmer’s Profit

Healthy Animals/
+ 25% ADG on beef cattle
” In just 1 month
you will see the
first results “