How does it work?
The “nucleus” of our technology, supplementary compound feed, is a compound feed material of botanical origin that regulates rumen microbiota population (and activity) in a targeted way, including:
- the boost of lactic acid utilization into propionate
- enhancing propionic SCFA production, keeping in balance acetate/propionate/butyrate ratios
- keeping blood glucose high enough to reach and sustain higher yields
By utilizing hydrogen (generated by fermentation of feed ingredients) into the propionate path, pH in the rumen is kept high enough to allow bacteria to stay active and grow enough for optimal fermentation of feed ingredients. Normally hydrogen is utilized by methane generating archaea, resulting in enteric methane production. Our technology redirects the process of hydrogen utilization to propionic SCFA production. Thus, the enteric methane production per unit of milk decreases in reverse proportion to the increased production of propionate. Propionate is a precursor of blood glucose in gluconeogenesis taking place in the liver. This increase in propionate synthesis at low starch concentrate levels leads to higher milk yields, decreased milk feed costs (and lower methane emission). These are the benefits that directly impact profitability at the farm.
1. Immunity
It has an immunizing effect – the stimulation of energy production in sufficient quantities due to the harmonious functioning of rumen and liver leads to the removal of the immuno-depressant effect of energy deficit (decreasing mastitis, endometritis, etc.).
2. Rumen
The shift in the equilibrium between lactate-synthesizers and lactate-utilizers in favor of the latter, as has been experimentally shown, stimulates increased production of propionate, the main energy molecule of the cow, and also prevents the occurrence of lactic acidosis. An increase in the concentration of microbial propionate in the blood and liver allows the cow to safely reduce accumulated fat levels, and to utilize surplus acetyl coenzyme A accumulating as a result of fat assimilation. This phenomenon stays behind the anti-ketosis action. A combination of the above effects allows for soft removal of insulin-resistance in the cow.
3. Liver
It has a hepatoprotective effect, so that the liver functions properly and the propionate formed in the rumen is effectively transformed into blood glucose.
4. Prolactin
Endocrine system stimulant (increasing prolactin) also acts as hormones stimulator- due to the phytogenics, there is a moderate stimulation of prolactin production that leads to increased milk yields along with increased blood glucose.

In the animal’s body, the product performs different functions in different organs.
In the gastrointestinal tract: The polysaccharides that make up the complex act as growth factors for lactic acid bacteria, streptococci, and bifidobacteria. It is known that when introducing growth factors, the number of beneficial bacteria increases 5-10 times. Active colonization of the intestine with lactic acid bacteria leads to inhibition of growth and displacement of pathogenic producing toxins microorganisms, and putrefactive bacteria in particular. A decrease in the concentration of endogenous toxins and ammonia has a positive effect on the well-being of the animal.
Colonization by lactic acid bacteria and the specific action of polysaccharides leads to the formation of an active structure of the intestinal mucosa, which can absorb 20% more calcium. When exposed to the microflora of the large intestine, polysaccharides with a length of 15-22 carbohydrate fragments break down into the following short-chain fatty acids: acetate, propionate, butyric and valerianic acids. It is known that these acids play an important role in the metabolism of animals and birds. For example, in ruminants, are the main source of glucose in the blood in the case of energy deficiency. To relieve diarrhea, improve the intestinal status, increase immunity and survival, it is recommended that calves be introduced into the diet and polysaccharides.
In the reproductive system:
- It was experimentally proved that 150-300g of the feed mixture, in a continuous mode, improves the condition of the liver and joints in the dry and lactation periods, facilitates calving, improves insemination, and normalizes the activity of the rumen.
- After 3 months, in cows of all age groups, milk yields increase from 2 to 8 litter / head / day.
- Milk retention is achieved from the 5th to 11th months of lactation.
- The enveloping ability of polysaccharides is the cause of a number of positive effects for the body, including:
- Slowing down the movement of food components through the intestines contributes to their better breakdown and absorption and, consequently, their better digestibility.
- Envelopment of vital substances for the body, such as vitamins and amino acids, which provide shielding from the damaging effects of rumen microorganisms and gastric juice with acidic pH.
- Introduction to the diet of cow regulatory complex with prebiotic effect
- Monitoring of specific physiological parameters of the animal
- Ration optimization
Problem: High energy demand in overfed high-producing dairy cows.
Consequence: Typical feed rations for high-yielding dairy cows are based on variable quality silages and a high proportion of concentrates and glucoplasts (doping effects). This approach leads to rumen microbiota population disbalance, subchronic acidosis. Resulting inefficient feed digestion leads to poor feed conversion. Acetate/propionate (A/P) ratio shifts in the wrong direction, intermediate metabolites, such as precursors of propionate, involved in energy synthesis, become deficient. Altogether, this results in a premature decline in milk quality indicators (fat, protein content), decreased milk yields. All metabolic problems and energy deficiency in dairy cows start at the first lactation period due to the wrong nutrition strategy.
Problem: Obesity, reduced quantity and activity of rumen biota.
Consequence: Insulin-resistance, reduced intake and inefficient digestion of dry matter, energy deficit, unpreparedness for calving, and early lactation.
Problem: Huge energy costs for calving and early lactation, depressed activity of rumen biota. Body fat together with concentrates are the main sources of energy for the cow.
Consequence: Strong energy deficit resulting from high energy demands and inability of rumen biota to recover and produce enough energy precursors is compensated by extra high level of concentrate in feeding rations. This leads to acidosis, massive accumulation of body fat, fatty liver, and ketosis with the culling of the cow in a worst-case scenario. Generally, low and slow increases in milk yield, low efficiency of insemination, high embryonic mortality, high level of laminitis, mastitis, endometritis are observed at this stage.