Cases, Results & Reviews
Dairy Cows
Numerous cases proved the reliability and efficiency of our product. During the usage of the product, the average milk production at the farm boosts
- 8% in 1 month
- 13% in 3 months
- 15% in 6 months
- 17% in 1 year, reaching the maximum of animal breed capability.
Meanwhile, improving the health of the herd. The farmers take back the money they invest in 1,5 months. The average financial results of farms:
ROI (Return on Investments)-1200%- for 1 euro the farmer paid, he got back 12 euro.

The effects of Polysaccharide Regulatory Complex for Buffalos:
- Boost of Milk yield from 12% in 1,5 months
- TMR (Total Mixed Ration) cost decreased from 4.2 to 3.94 Euro (-0.26 euro)
- Somatic Cell Count reduced from 95.000 up to 66.000
The financial results:
Payback period (the period when the farmer takes back his money for the purchased product) – 1 month
Profit per head per day – 1,76 euro / 16.100 for the farm per month
Effects of Regulatory complex Bypass (without the use of the amino acids – lysine and methionine):
- An increase of the average body weight by 83.6 g / 3.6%
- Reduction of the feed conversion rate (feed consumption per 1 kg of body weight gain) by 60 g / 3.6%
- Ensurance of 100% survival rate of flock
- Improvement of meat quality, 100% -A grade quality
- No Lysine
- No Methionine