Our results & reviews Broilers

Regulatory complex Bypass allows to improve such broiler’s production indicators as

  • meat yield and increase of the broiler’s live body weight gain

  • improvement of feed conversion

  • high quality of broiler’s meat 100% – “A grade” obtained simultaneously with the removal of expensive synthetic amino acids lysine and methionine from the ration

  • improvement of productivity

Growing broiler chickens in laboratory conditions with the addition of the regulatory complex Bypass (without the use of the amino acids – lysine and methionine)  has led to

  • An increase of the average body weight by 83.6 g / 3.6%

  • Increase of the feed conversion rate (feed consumption per 1 kg of body weight gain reduced by 60 g / 3.6%

  • Ensurance of 100% survival rate of flock

  • An increase of the weight of the gutted carcass by 96 g / 5.7% – (Bypass)

  • An increase of the output of marketable internal organs

  • Improvement of meat quality, 100% -A grade quality

  • No Lysine
  • No Methionine

Groups of Broiler feeding

1 control Basic Ration (BR) with amino acids (AA) used in broiler feeding in farm
2 control Basic Ration (without amino acids)
3 control Basic Ration (without amino acids) + 0,3% «Bypass»
Influence of the regulatory complex Bypass on the dynamics of growth in body weight and the main zootechnical indicators of poultry of the “Ross-308” cross

Dynamics of body weigth growth by day

In 41 day of broiler’s feeding with Bypass in group № 3 the live body
weight gain

  • increased by – 83,6 g comparing with group № 1 with traditional synthetic amino acids – lysine and methionine
  • increased by – 445,6 g comparing with group № 2 without amino acids

The main zootechnical indicators of experimental broilers

1 control 2 control 3 control
Broiler Culling, head /% 1 / 2.9 3 / 8.6 0
Total feed consumption, g/head 4084.3 3752.2 4083.9
Feed consumption per 1 kg of live-weight gain, Kg 1.74 1.89 1.68
  • With Bypass culling rate – 0%
  • 100% survival rate of flock
  • The total feed consumption per head – 0,4 g less
  • Feed consumption per 1 kg of live-weight gain – 60 g less
Influence of the regulatory complex Bypass on the dynamics of growth in body weight and the main zootechnical indicators of poultry of the “Ross-308” cross

Meat parameters after slaughter and deboning of carcasses, weight

Results of Group with Bypass, comparing to group №1 with Lysine and Methionine

  • The output weight of internal organs is higher
  • The output of edible parts is higher – 115,3 g
  • The output of inedible parts is lower – 19,3 g
  • Weight of the gutted carcass is – 96 g
  • Live-body weight is higher – 83,6 g

Output in %

Growing broiler chickens in laboratory conditions with the addition of the regulatory complex “Bypass” (without the use of the amino acids – No Lysine and No Methionine) has led to significant improvement of output, the % of edible parts increased, while % of inedible reduced.

Influence of the regulatory complex “Bypass” on the quality
indicators of broiler meat

Index grading carcasses is one of the most important qualitative and economic indicators, since its direct way affects on the cost of the implementation of meat.

Indicators of the grade of chicken carcasses, %

Indicator name Groups
1 control 2 control 3 control
A grade 90 10 100
B grade 10 50 -
Off-grade - 40 -
  • Group with Bypass – 100% A grade

  • Group with Bypass – pale yellow color bird legs, fat, skin, which gives the carcasses the most advantageous commercial qualities, and in group №2 a “gray-yellow”, pale shade is noted

Ratio of aminoacids according to groups

  • The amino acid composition of broiler meat group №3 which received the Bypass is the most valuable, in relation to the control experimental group №2 (Lysine and Methionine)
  • The biological value of the broiler’s meat protein is the result of the presence of essential amino acids in its composition