Buffalo Farms’ Financial Results
Financial Results
- Average Payback period at the farms (the period when you take back your money for the purchased product) – 1 month
- Average Extra Profit per head per day – 1,53 euro / 16 332 euro for the average farm per month.
- Average ROI (Return on Investments)- 1504%- for 1 euro the farmer paid, he got back 15 euro.

Buffalo Farms’ Results
Health, Milk Yield & Profitability
- Increase of yield Milk production up to 12% in 2 months
- Improvement of average productive longevity: +1 extra heifer
- Decrease of veterinary expenses
- Decrease of cost feeding up to 10%
- High Milk Quality and its improvement (stabilization of fat and protein along with milk increase)
- Reduction of following diseases
- mastitis
- endometritis
- ketosis
- immune system disorders
- feed and heat stress reduction
- lameness and milk fever
- Lower heifer replacement expenses
- Higher weight gain for calves
- Increase of average productive longevity
- Lower culling rates
- No sub-acute acidosis
- Improved fertility rates (insemination)
- Lower embryonic death rates
- Reduction of somatic cell count from 180 000 till 130 000
- Decrease of veterinary expenses
- Reduction of CH 4, decrease from 15-20% at ZERO extra costs
- Usage of local feeding ingredients
- CO2 decrease from reduction of import transportation
Case: Buffalos, 300 lactating buffalos, Fondi, Italy
- Period of use: 1,5 months
Milk yield increased from 13.6 to 15.2 kg (+1.6kg)
TMR (Total Mixed Ration) cost decreased from 4.2 to 3.94 Euro (-0.26 euro)
Somatic cells reduced from 95.000 up to 66.000
Peak of lactation. The days for peak of lactation significantly improved
Fat/Protein keeps high even with high milk productivity
- Digestion significantly improved
Health improvement, based on biochemical blood tests
Milk production
TMR cost
Case: Buffalos, 400 lactating buffalos, Italy, c.da Cerrelli, Alta villa Silentina, Campania
- Period of use: 1,5 months
Milk yield keept +0.6 to 1.3 kg comparing to control group during the heat stress
Somatic cells reduced from 173 000 up to 137 000
Peak of lactation. The days for peak of lactation significantly improved
Fat/Protein keeps high even along with high milk productivity Fat: 7.32 g/100g RLATT : 4.69 g/100g PROT: 4.38 g/100g. Control group Fat: 6.85 g/100g RLATT : 4.56 g/100g PROT : 4.48 g/100g
Digestion significantly improved
Health improvement, based on biochemical blood tests