Farmers’ benefits and Results
During the crisis, our Regulatory Polysaccharide Complex supports the farmer and improves his profit and welfare of the animals.
Average Financial Results of Farms
- ROI (Return on Investments) – 1200% – for 1 euro the farmer paid, he got back 12 euro
- Payback Period – 1,5 months. Farmers take back the money for product purchase in 1,5 months.
- IRR (Internal Rate of Return)- 280%

Quality & Boost of Milk
- Significant boost of milk yield the mean boost of milk – 11% in 2 months 17% in 1 year up to 23% in 3 years
- Protein & Fat keep at the high level along with milk increase
- Reduced somatic cell count
Health improvement
Significant diseases reduction
- Reduction of mastitis
- Reduction of endometritis
- Decrease of ketosis
- Decrease of immune system disorders
- Feed and heat stress reduction
- Lower heifer replacement expenses
- Higher rate of weight gain for calves and heifers
- Increase of average productive longevity +1 heifer
- Lower culling rates -5%
- No sub-acute acidosis
- Improved fertility rates (insemination) +15%
- Lower embryonic death rates
- Reduction of somatic cell count up to -50-60%
- Decrease of lameness and milk fever
- Decrease of veterinary expenses
- Reduction of CH 4, enteric emission up to 15-20%
- Support of local production, substitution with local feed ingridients
- Decrease of CO2, reduction of import logistics
*Average Financial Results based on 2540 farms (including profit only from extra milk production and TMR savings)

Holstein, 1200 milking cows, Evros, Greece
- Fresh group
- Period of use: 2 months
Milk yield increased from 26.7 to 32.5 kg (+5.8kg)
*This is for fresh group onlyTMR (Total Mixed Ration) cost Decreased from 6.04 to 5.64 Euro (-0.40 euro)
Somatic Cell Count reduced from 570.00 up to 159.000
Peak of lactation. The days for peak of lactation significantly improved, for 1st lactation from 144 days decreased till 98 days, for 2nd lactation from 81 days decreased till 56 days, and for 3rd+ lactations from 81 days decreased till 54 day
Fat/Protein keeps high even with high milk productivity: 3,35 Protein (Fresh)
Healthy ration: NDF from 35%-38%; Starch from 24% -21%; For/Con ratio 42/58-51/49
No new cases of mastitis
Fast recover from Stress/Heat resistance
Digestion significantly improved
Health improvement, based on biochemical blood tests
Milk production
TMR cost
Holstein, 1100 milking cows, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
- Period of use: 1 months
The results presented after only 1 month of use and continue to improve
Milk yield increased from 32.7 to 35.5 kg (+2.8kg)
TMR (Total Mixed Ration) cost decreased from 6.45 to 6,10 Euro (-0.35 euro)
Digestion significantly improved
Health improvement, based on biochemical blood tests
Healthy Ration
Rumination improved. Chewing activity increased
Feed consumption increased by 7%
Milk efficiency
Milk production
TMR cost
Holstein, 400 milking cows, Larissa, Greece
- Period of use: 6 months, including 3 months of heat stress
- Extra profit
- 1.03 euro/cow/day
- 412/farm/day
- 12.566/farm/month
- 150.792/farm/year
Milk yield increased from 31.9 to 35.6 kg (+3.7kg)
TMR (Total Mixed Ration) cost Decreased from 7.86 to 7.04 Euro (-0.82 euro)
Digestion significantly improved
Health improvement, based on biochemical blood tests
Fat/Protein (remains high 3.80/3.40 during summer)
Efficiency of insemination improved from 2.8 to 2.7
The PR (Pregnancy Rate) improved 100% from the previous summer
The use of antibiotics decreased by 15%
- Body condition score increased by 0.25
Open days improved from 154 to 148. The conception rate during the summer heat stress kept the same as it was during the winter period, which means lower DIM (Days in Milk) for the next months on the farm
Heat stress index 85-90 (until 46 Celsius) milk losses 6% while the average losses in the area were 12%
Healthy Ration
Rumination improved
Milk production curve total-per group & dim per group
Milk production
TMR cost
Holstein, 220 milking cows, Thessaloniki, Sohos, Greece
- Period of use: 3 months
Milk yield increased from 25.8 to 31.5 kg (+5.7kg)
TMR (Total Mixed Ration) cost Decreased from 6.05 to 5.95 Euro (-0.10 euro)
Somatic Cell Count reduced from 340.000 up to 260.000
Peak of lactation. The days for peak of lactation significantly improved
- Fat/Protein keeps high
- No new cases of mastitis
Fast recover from Stress/Heat resistance
- Digestion significantly improved
Milk efficiency
Milk production
TMR cost
Holstein, 100 milking cows, Didymoteicho, Greece
- Period of use: 5 months
Milk yield increased from 31.5 to 35.5 kg (+4kg)
TMR (Total Mixed Ration) cost Decreased from 6.07 to 5.76 Euro (-0.58 euro)
Somatic Cell Count reduced from 310.000 up to 190.000
- Peak of lactation. The days for peak of lactation significantly improved
- Fat/Protein keeps high
Digestion significantly improved
- No new cases of mastitis
Fast recover from Stress/Heat resistance · Digestion significantly improved
Health improvement, based on biochemical blood tests